Five Fabulous Friends “Favs”!

Piper Burnett, Collections & Curricular Coordinator

Finds in the Friends Collection

1. From transcribing many letters in our FHA Collection, much is said about Rebecca Jones. She was highly regarded and much revered. So, when I come across an item in our collection that belongs to Rebecca Jones, it brings me closer to her. To think these were eyeglasses that she wore when she wrote her sermons to address a meeting.  

2 & 3. Quaker bonnets are difficult to date accurately because they have changed very little in style. However, this one in our Friends Collection has a business card that goes with the object. We could learn the time frame of this bonnet if we researched the business. 

4. I am partial to Historic Germantown because I started my adventure as a collections intern at Wyck. When I come across a certain name like Reuben Haines, a descendent of Wyck, it pleases me to learn more about his life outside of Wyck’s collection. Here we have a receipt for beer purchased from Reuben.  

5. This pincushion gives me a calming sense of quiet and grace. Just having to access one pin you would need steady hands to remove it. When picturing the use of this pincushion, you must slow your heart rate and be steady to put the pin back in its proper place. It measures under 2” in diameter. The idea of being at peace doing a domestic task, paying attention to every single detail is something to marvel at.